Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I hate them. Okay, not HATE - but I don't like to make them because I'm afraid to let myself down. I've decided to make them this year, however, because I'm on a quest of self-improvement. I want to be a (whatever that means.) So, in an effort to hold myself accountable, I will post them here. Feel free to never mention what you read here to me, so that I don't hurt your feelings with a snide and insensitive comeback.

1. Hold regular Family Home Evenings.

(We always refer to it as FHE, which some of the kids have mistaken for "FAG". Justin asked once why its called "fag". That was funny.)

2. Have more home-cooked dinners.

3. Blog more.

(Since I don't write in my journal, this will have to suffice.)

4. Be a better time-manager.

(The Franklin Covey class I took in November is helping already)

5. Continue to be happy with the physical me.

(It relieves such a burden to see myself through the eyes of those who love me most.)

I'm hoping that these resolutions will translate into habits for the rest of my life. I'm determined not to let myself down.